Merle’s Kids (Christmas Gifts)

Merle’s Kids is named after one our deacons, Merle Bridge, whose heart was burdened for children who would wake Christmas morning to find no presents under the tree due to financial hardships of their families.  He, along with members of Givhans Baptist Church, strive to make sure that doesn’t happen where we can.

During the holidays, Givhans Baptist Church collects new toys for Christmas to give to children in need, in addition to specific “wish list” items when possible.

Givhans Baptist Church takes requests for children in need to be added to the “Angel Tree”.  If you have, or know, of any children in need please contact Merle or one of the deacons to have them added to the tree.  Names are not listed on the tree, just their gender and age (and clothing size when clothes are needed as well).  Names are only needed to ensure the gifts are given to the right children and held by the person tasked with getting those gifts to the parents/guardians of those children.

Paper Angel Ornaments are added to the tree and sponsors select one or more of those angels and start shopping!

To submit a child’s name to the “Angel Tree” or for more information on how you can help, please contact Merle Bridge or the Givhans Baptist Church office.  (843) 851-2092